National Primary Prevention Hub

8 resources in this collection

Our Watch led the National Primary Prevention Hub (the Hub) with funding from the Department of Social Services under the Fourth Action Plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010 – 2022.

Find reports and forum outcomes papers that explore key activities and opportunities for primary prevention across Australia.

Hub reports (4)

Hub report 1 thumb

National primary prevention report #1

  • September 2020

This report provides information about primary prevention under two themes: the Ausralian context and COVID-19.

Download report 1
Hub report 2 thumb

National primary prevention report #2

  • July 2021

This report explores some foundations and emerging lessons about effective and impactful prevention practice.

Download report 2
Hub report 3 thumb

National primary prevention report #3

  • February 2022

This report explres what enables change in the primary prevention infrastructure identified in Counting on change.

Download report 3
Hub report 4 thumb

National primary prevention report #4

  • December 2022

This report focuses on three elements: evaluation, learning and engagement with the private sector.

Download report 4

Forum outcomes papers (4)

Hub forums promising thumb

Forum outcomes: Promising practice

  • October 2021

This paper summarises two case studies: Women's Health Victoria's shEqual project and Sydney-based Take the lead.

Download practice report
Hub forums masculinity thumb

Forum outcomes: Masculinities and engaging men

  • October 2021

This paper focuses on why working with men is important, as well as evidence-based principles and examples of promising practice.

Download masculinities report
Hub forums Qld thumb

Forum outcomes: Primary prevention in Queensland

  • October 2021

This paper summarises two Hub events hosted in partnership with Ending Violence against Women Queensland.

Download Queensland report
Hub forums Tas thumb

Forum outcomes: Primary prevention in Tasmania

  • February 2022

This paper summarises two events hosted by Our Watch, in partnership with the Department of Communities Tasmania.

Download Tasmanian report