Equality and Respect in Sport


About this topic

Sport is an integral part of Australian culture. It influences who we are and how we live. Our Watch identifies sport as a priority area for the prevention of violence against women in Australia. Across all sports, we all have a role in creating clubs, teams, workplaces, venues and communities where all women are safe, respected and valued.

To help you get started, Our Watch has developed a range of tools and resources to support sporting organisations address the gendered drivers and prevent violence against women.

Sport’s role in preventing violence against women

This introductory video explains the link between gender inequality and violence against women and the role of sport in addressing it. When women and men have equal power, value and opportunities in sport and in society, violence against women is less likely. Watch this three-minute video to learn more.

The sport implementation guide and standards

Our Watch provides an implementation guide and a set of standards to ensure your sporting organisation understands and prioritises action that will make real and lasting change.

The three-step process includes how to get started; developing an action plan; and implementing your priority actions with time for reflection.

The standards outline five key areas for consideration: commitment, conditions, culture, support and business.

Sport implementation guide

Equality and respect in sport standards

Crowd cheering sports

Sports resources

Sport implementation thumb

The Sport implementation guide provides a step-by-step approach to prevent violence against women.

Sport standards

These standards focus on what you can do with your staff and stakeholders to address violence against women in a sports context.

Time to move forward ppt thumb
  • 3 resources in this collection

These tools are designed for people working in national sporting organisations to help tell the story of why gender equality is important.

The power of community sport

In this webinar we explored the important role of community sporting clubs, organisations and leagues in the prevention of gender-based violence. We heard from a panel of leaders as they shared insights and success stories and explored practical strategies that community sport can take to stop violence before it starts.

Free events and training

Women leaving field after game
  • Multiple dates

  • Registrations closed

  • Free

This community of practice aims to create a collaborative community for those working within the professional sport sector.

CtS Intro to framework thumb

This 60-minute presentation provides a brief, high-level overview of Change the story.

CtS training
  • Registrations closed

  • Free

This free, 6.5 hour training has been developed to support people who are new to the primary prevention of violence against women sector.

See all free events