Webinar recordings

12 resources in this collection
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    Past webinar recordings

    This is a collection of Our Watch webinars on the prevention of violence against women in Australia.

    Key frameworks

    Resistance and backlash

    'Resistance shouldn’t put off any kinds of transformative work, because if resistance isn’t occurring, then we really have to wonder whether a change initiative is challenging power dynamics and the status quo.'

    – Dr. Sarah Hewitt.

    Hosted by Our Watch and facilitated by Natalie Wade, this webinar explores how prevention workers can plan for and address the resistance that comes with the transformative change process.

    Growing with change: Developing an expert workforce to prevent violence against women

    “The success of Australia’s efforts to prevent violence against women in part depends on the size and strength of the national primary prevention workforce.”

    Our Watch’s Growing with Change: developing an expert workforce to prevent violence against women, a first of its kind evidence paper, describes the current national prevention workforce and proposes a conceptual model to increase its size, capability, and coordination at a national level.

    This webinar introduces the Growing with Change paper, shares learnings about workforce development and explores opportunities to strengthen and sustain the Australian primary prevention workforce in order to end violence against women.

    Men and masculinities

    This webinar examines the key themes outlined in the Men in focus practice guide released in August 2022 by Our Watch. Through discussions with a range of prevention practitioners working in different settings, this webinar explores some practical and effective ways that people can challenge and transform socially dominant forms of masculinity, and work with men and boys in the prevention of men’s violence against women.

    Women and girls with disabilities

    Changing the landscape: Preventing violence against women and girls with disabilities

    Our Watch and Women with Disabilities Victoria launch Changing the landscape: A national resource to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities. This webinar explains the underlying and intersecting drivers of violence against women and girls with disabilities and what works to prevent it.

    Media and reporting

    Media reporting to prevent violence against trans and gender diverse people and communities

    This conversation is for journalists and media professionals to learn practical solutions to accurately and responsibly frame the lived experience of the trans and gender diverse community and contribute to their ongoing safety.

    Hosted by journalist and sports producer Kate Doak, this panel supports journalists and media professionals to understand the role media can play in fostering inclusivity and reducing violence against trans women and non-binary people in particular. Panellists Jackie Turner, Director of the Trans Justice Project; Sandy O’Sullivan, Aboriginal trans person and Professor of Indigenous Studies; and Jackson Fairchild, primary prevention and trans rights advocate discuss the alarming rates of discrimination and violence faced by trans and gender diverse people and the media’s role in shaping public perception and attitudes.

    The webinar includes an opening address from Australia’s Sex Discrimination Commissioner Dr Anna Cody and marks the release of Our Watch’s Guide for media reporting on violence against transgender and gender diverse communities to prevent violence.

    Improving media reporting to prevent violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women

    This webinar is chaired by producer and broadcaster Karina Hogan, in conversation with Professor Kyllie Cripps and Dan Bourchier, discussing how to improve media reporting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to address the drivers of violence.

    The session supports media professionals to contribute to a better understanding of, and pride in, rich and vibrant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. The one-hour online session includes a Welcome to Country led by a Wurundjeri Elder Aunty Diane Kerr.

    This webinar is brought to you by Our Watch and The Walkley Foundation.

    Exploring strength-based media reporting

    This webinar is for journalists who want to gain a deeper understanding of the impacts of violence against women from diverse backgrounds, including how media narratives can either exacerbate or counteract these effects.

    Deepening reporting practice to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities

    This one-hour webinar offers journalists and media professionals the opportunity to deepen reporting practice on women and girls with disabilities through respectful and accurate representation and better understanding the drivers of violence.

    This webinar aligns with Our Watch’s resource, Changing the landscape. By watching, you will learn how to help redefine the media’s coverage on violence against women and girls with disabilities, promoting accountability and ensuring that media coverage avoids perpetuating the harmful narratives that can lead to violence.

    This webinar has Auslan interpreting and closed captions.

    Media masterclass: What constitutes wise-practice media reporting on sexual harassment?

    This masterclass explores the complex decisions journalists must make when crafting a story on sexual harassment to balance the pressures of newsrooms and clickbait culture with safety of sources.

    Walkley award winning journalist Nina Funnell and expert panellists Dr Bianca Fileborn, Prabha Nandagopal and Nicole Lee discuss what wise-practice media reporting on sexual harassment might look like, exploring the impacts of media reporting on survivors and their diverse experiences of sexual harassment, and what these findings mean in the context of gender equity, human rights and pathways to justice.

    Responding to Respect@Work Recommendation 13 to improve media reporting on sexual harassment, this webinar functions as an official launch of Our Watch’s 12 tips for media reporting on sexual harassment.

    Respectful relationships education

    Webinar - Respectful Relationships Education: a national priority

    Our Watch hosted this webinar in September 2022 to provide education policy professionals and education policy makers with an opportunity to consider good practice in Respectful Relationships Education.

    The expert speakers on the panel of this webinar were:

    • Chris Loos, Manager Family and Domestic Violence, Queensland Education Department
    • Dr. Naomi Pfiztner, Lecturer in Criminology and Key Researcher, Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre, Monash University
    • Dr. Deb Ollis, Honorary Associate Professor of Education, Deakin University
    • Janice Atken, curriculum consultant
    • Genevieve Sheppard, Senior Policy Advisor, Respectful Relationships Education, Our Watch

    Local government

    Councillors and leadership: Leading primary prevention of violence against women in local government

    This discussion is aimed at local councillors and executive staff who have the opportunity to lead initiatives to prevent violence against women in their communities.

    This webinar is a partnership between Our Watch, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and the eight State and Territory Local Government Associations working with Our Watch to better coordinate national prevention activity in the local government sector.

    Councils and Communities: Local governments supporting the prevention of violence against women

    This discussion is designed for local government staff working across a wide range of areas who have the opportunity to lead and support initiatives to prevent violence against women in their communities.

    This webinar is a partnership between Our Watch, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and the eight State and Territory Local Government Associations working with Our Watch to better coordinate national prevention activity in the local government sector.


    The power of community sport to prevent violence

    In this webinar, facilitated by Our Watch, we explored the important role of community sporting clubs, organisations and leagues in the prevention of gender-based violence. We heard from a panel of leaders as they shared insights and success stories and explored practical strategies that community sport can take to stop violence before it starts.