Diversity and inclusion in sport

1 resource
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    Taking an intersectional approach

    This tool aims to assist you in embedding an intersectional approach across your implementation of the Equality and Respect in Sport Standards. It should be used in conjunction with the Standards and Implementation guide.

    Diversity and inclusion in sport

    Diversity and inclusion in sport

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    Gender inequality (sexism) intersects with other forms of discrimination such as racism, ableism, ageism, classism or homophobia and transphobia. This shapes how different women experience inequality and violence, including the frequency and severity of violence, and the barriers they face in accessing support. This is what we call taking an ‘intersectional approach’ or ‘intersectionality’. In sport you may be more familiar with the terms ‘diversity and inclusion’, however we want to ensure sporting organisations understand how other forms of inequality and discrimination intersect with one another and why it is important to consider this in your approach to gender equality work.

    Preventing violence against women means taking action to address these inequalities across our workplaces and sporting communities, to create an equal, safe and respectful society for everyone.

    Sport implementation guide

    The Sport implementation guide provides a step-by-step approach to prevent violence against women.

    Equality and respect in sport standards

    These standards focus on what you can do with your staff and stakeholders to address violence against women in a sports context.

    Sport standards

    These standards focus on what you can do with your staff and stakeholders to address violence against women in a sports context.

    Sport implementation thumb

    The Sport implementation guide provides a step-by-step approach to prevent violence against women.