Equality and respect in sport standards

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    The Equality and respect in sport standards are what all sporting organisations should work towards. They focus on what you can do with your staff and your external stakeholders to address violence against women.

    Read these standards in conjunction with the Equality and respect in sport implementation guide.


    Standard 1: Our leaders consistently demonstrate a commitment to preventing violence against women.

    We promote gender equality in our strategies, policies and procedures.

    We have dedicated resources and budget to actively address gender inequality and the drivers of violence against women within our workplace.

    We hold staff accountable for consistently promoting gender equality in all communications, organisational plans and activities.


    Standard 2: We embed gender equality in our recruitment, remuneration and promotion processes, and men and women utilise flexible work options without penalty.

    We have structural support for women’s leadership, including the provision of leadership opportunities for part-time staff; and male and female leaders model the use of flexible work options.

    We implement deliberate strategies to recruit, train, mentor and retain women in leadership roles.

    We make efforts to reduce the gender pay gap and give all staff access to flexible work options and parental leave. Our workplace culture and communication promotes and supports flexible work and parental leave for both men and women.

    We have transparent practices to help uphold commitments to gender equality in recruitment, professional development and career progression.


    Standard 3: Our leaders challenge gender stereotypes, discrimination and attitudes that support male superiority, and think critically about styles of leadership that are valued and rewarded in the workplace.

    Our leaders consistently model respectful and equal relationships between men and women.

    Our policies and procedures (i.e. code of conduct, induction, occupational health and safety, equal opportunity etc.) include proactive measures to address gender inequality.

    Staff across our workplace understand the importance of promoting gender equality and know they will be supported to challenge sexism and raise issues relating to gender and discrimination.

    We actively avoid perpetuating gender stereotypes in our communications across the workplace; and we have implemented strategies to minimise backlash or resistance and build support for change.


    Standard 4: We have the structures, practices and culture to respond appropriately to staff and stakeholders affected by violence, bullying and sexual harassment.

    Our leaders consistently reject any form of violence or harassment, whether occurring within or outside of the workplace.

    We have clear policies and procedures to provide appropriate support for staff and stakeholders who experience violence; and we make sure employees don’t use workplace resources to commit any act of violence.

    We have the partnerships, systems and trained staff to respond promptly and appropriately to complaints and claims about violence and sexual harassment.

    Our business

    Standard 5: The work we do and the way we promote it aligns with our commitment to gender equality and the prevention of violence against women.

    Our leaders effectively use our work and public profile to demonstrate support for gender equality and the prevention of violence against women.

    We integrate key actions to promote gender equality into our core business, and our engagement with the community reflects our commitment to gender equality and preventing violence against women.

    Our stakeholder engagement activities, public statements and external communications reflect our commitment to promoting gender equality, rejecting sexism and challenging attitudes that justify, minimise, trivialise or excuse violence against women.

    Sport implementation guide

    The Sport implementation guide provides a step-by-step approach to prevent violence against women.