Our Watch

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Strategic plan

2 minute read

Our strategic plan sets out bold strategic goals to guide our work for the next five years.

After a decade of primary prevention work in collaboration with our valued government partners and stakeholders in the sector, the plan builds on these foundations and clarifies how we will work toward our vision, and sets clear, measurable outcomes that will indicate our success.

Our vision

An Australia where women and their children live free from all forms of violence.

Our role

To stop violence before it starts.

We are Australia’s leader in the primary prevention of violence against women.

Goal 1: Growing knowledge

We’ll know that we have been successful when we grow primary prevention knowledge.

We will do this by building, sharing, and connecting organisations, communities and governments to the knowledge and evidence they need to support change.

Goal 2: Inspiring action

We’ll know that we have been successful when we inspire action on gender equality.

We will create transformation in society by inspiring (and supporting) organisations, communities and governments to take evidence-based action that we know works.

Goal 3: Leading for impact

We’ll know that we have been successful when we model inclusive leadership.

We will lead, coordinate, and collaborate with organisations, communities and governments to amplify our impact.

Goal 4: Strengthening performance

We’ll know that we have been successful when we thrive as an organisation.

Being a thriving, high-performing, values-led organisation means we are best able to support our partners and pursue our ambitious vision. 

Download the Our Watch Strategic Plan 2024-29 here.